BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// TZID:Europe/London X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230214T093000Z DTEND:20230215T163000Z DTSTAMP:20230106T091332Z URL: 2/ SUMMARY:3D Virtual Sampling Course - 14th & 15th February DESCRIPTION:3D Virtual Sampling Course\n\nThe course has been created for 3 D beginners who are wanting to take their technical skills to the next lev el. This 2-day intensive course focuses on creating virtual 3D samples. Yo u will learn how to create a true-to-life garment simulation\, with a vari ation of fabrics and trims. 3D technology helps designers and technical de signers see\, validate\, and refine the product before moving to real phys ical prototyping and manufacturing.\n\nOn the third day\, we will be virtu ally sampling your own patterns\, we encourage you to either bring these d igital files with you alongside your own fabric. If you have paper pattern s and would like to vectorise them\, please contact us to digitise them pr ior to the course\, alternatively\, we will supply a range of digital patt erns for you to play with.\n\n**£100+VAT**\n\nDay One &\; Day Two \n\n Understand the modules and icons of 3D.\n Personalise the Avatars size and features\n How to arrange 2D patterns on the screen.\n How to virtua lly sew your garments.\n 3D Sample womenswear and menswear.\n How to app ly tension maps and check the fit of the garment.\n How to make fit chang es on the 3D sample.\n How to apply different fabrics\, colorways\, and t extures.\n How to create a garment catwalk.\n 3D Virtual Sample own patt erns\n Choose a style you would like to sample.\n Use of the Nuno fabric scanner\n\nAny questions\, please call 01273 672400 or email laura@vetigr ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: 10/TENSION-MAPS-_-.png CATEGORIES:3D Virtual Sampling LOCATION:Fashion Forward Centre - Leicester\, EASTGATE HOUSE\, OFFICE ONE\, FIRST FLOOR\, 19-23 HUMBERSTONE ROAD\, Leicester\, LE5 3GJ\, United Kingd om GEO:52.636896;-1.125246 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=EASTGATE HOUSE\, OFFICE ONE \, FIRST FLOOR\, 19-23 HUMBERSTONE ROAD\, Leicester\, LE5 3GJ\, United Kin gdom;X-APPLE-RADIUS=100;X-TITLE=Fashion Forward Centre - Leicester:geo:52. 636896,-1.125246 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR